Wisconsin County Officials Directory

Wisconsin county governments spend over $10 billion on products and services each year. You can reach county government officials across the state of Wisconsin by advertising in the Wisconsin County Officials Directory.

The Wisconsin County Officials Directory reaches more than 1,800 county government officials, as well as county executives, administrators, every county department head, the Wisconsin state Governor, 132 state legislators and other affiliated parties.

Published each year, the directory is used as a valuable resource for Wisconsin county and state government officials. Make sure the decision makers in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties know about the products and services your company has to offer.

Advertise today to assure your company’s direct, year-round exposure to all of Wisconsin’s counties.

Contact WCA Managing Editor Sheri Krause by May 1 to reserve your ad space in the that year’s Wisconsin County Officials Directory.

Display Advertising Rates

Select the ad type from the charts below.

Display Ad Format

The Wisconsin County Officials Directory is printed on a four-color, sheet fed press at 300 lpi.

For digital ad submissions include all fonts and linked graphics. Be sure all color graphics are converted to CMYK. The directory size is 8.5″ x 11″. The bleed measurement for the center spread, inside front cover, back cover, inside back cover and full page ad size is .125 inch.

Adobe CS5 Creative Suite

EPS, High resolution TIFFs, JPGs and press ready PDFs.

If you have any questions about the instructions above, or need further help submitting ad materials, please contact Sheri Krause at 866-404-2700 or via email.

Please send all digital artwork to:
Wisconsin Counties Association
22 E. Mifflin St., Ste. 900
Madison, WI 53703

The Fine Print

Please send this contract and any further instructions and correspondence to: Wisconsin Counties Association, 22 E. Mifflin St., Ste. 900, Madison, WI 53703, Phone: 608.663.7188, Fax: 608.663.7189.

WCA reserves the right to determine the location of any ad at the time of purchase and may relocate the placement of any advertisement.
WCA also reserves the right to deny any sale of ad space and further, may cancel any advertising contract at its sole discretion. The advertiser
understands that this contract serves as an insertion order for the Wisconsin County Officials Directory and is a binding contractual

Closing Date: Advertising artwork is due to the managing editor’s office by May 1 for that year’s directory. If artwork is not received by this date, the advertiser understands that it is responsible for the full contract price (as set forth on the rate sheet) as if the ad had appeared. Cancellations of scheduled insertions will be accepted only if notice of cancellation is received before May 1.

Ad content: The advertiser agrees that the advertiser and the advertising agency assume all liability for all content, including text, representation
and illustration of advertising printed, and that the advertiser and agency assume responsibility for any claims arising from the advertising
printed made against the publisher. The advertiser understands that the publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising the publisher
considers not to be in keeping with the standards of the Wisconsin County Officials Directory.

Rate Card: Advertiser understand and agrees that all conditions and requirements specified in the current advertising rate card for the Wisconsin
County Officials Directory
are binding upon the advertiser and that this contractual agreement between the publisher and the advertiser is
predicated upon the terms of that rate card.

County human services representatives came to Madison today to present to the 2024 Legislative Council Study Committee on Emergency Detention & Civil Commitment of Minors, sharing the county perspective on how to best support and serve the children in our state. @NACoTweets

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