WCA Applauds Governor Evers’ Sales Tax Option; Provision Gives Taxpayers a Voice in How to Pay for Services

WCA Applauds Governor Evers’ Sales Tax Option; Provision Gives Taxpayers a Voice in How to Pay for Services

Governor Tony Evers today announced his 2021-2023 executive state budget will include a provision allowing counties, with approval from local taxpayers, the authority to impose an additional half cent county option sales tax.

“For too long, counties have been forced to rely on property taxes to fund local services and state mandated programs,” said Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) Executive Director Mark D. O’Connell. “Today’s announcement from Governor Evers gives local taxpayers a voice in how they prefer to pay for services and is a recognition that Wisconsin must begin addressing its over reliance on property taxes.”

O’Connell continued, “Wisconsin counties have very few options for funding local services. This announcement has the potential to provide meaningful and long-term property tax relief to Wisconsinites. WCA looks forward to working with the Governor and State Legislature in upcoming budget deliberations to advance this proposal and provide local taxpayers a voice in how public services are funded.”

See a PDF of the WCA media release here.

County veteran services officers from across the state share how the federal PACT Act is impacting their work in the June 2024 Wisconsin Counties (page 20). https://indd.adobe.com/view/4dda08be-77dc-480c-9301-8fc6ee03443f @NACoTweets

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