About Us
Robyn Voss

WCA Programs and Services Assistant Robyn Voss serves as the WCA Government Affairs and Project Manager, working alongside the government affairs team to accomplish goals and objectives. She has been with the Association since 2010.
Prior to joining the WCA Government Affairs Team, Robyn Voss served as an Administrative Assistant to the Director of Programs and Services, with the insurance programs as her primary focus. She assisted in compliance oversight with the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance and was key to providing information for audits. In addition, Robyn worked to coordinate risk management events such as the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation’s Highway Safety Days. She joined the Wisconsin Counties Association in March of 2010.
Robyn has over 15 years of experience in insurance administration and has worked with Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation, Community Insurance Corporation and WCA Group Health Trust during her tenure in the field.
When Robyn’s not at WCA, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two girls.