About Us

Mark D. O’Connell

President & CEO
Mark D. O’Connell

Mark D. O’Connell has served county government since 1989 and is presently President and Chief Executive Officer of the Wisconsin Counties Association. Prior to the counties association, Mr. O’Connell served the State of Wisconsin in the Department of Administration State Budget Office, Department of Natural Resources, and Legislative Audit Bureau.


He has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse and a Master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin.


Mr. O’Connell is President of WCA Services, Inc., an executive officer of the Wisconsin Education Business Roundtable, and Vice President of Competitive Wisconsin Inc. Mr. O’Connell serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties Edge Corporation in Washington DC, is Chairman of the Board of Discover MediaWorks, a technology production company and National Cooperative Rx, a pharmacy benefits company.


He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Angel On My Shoulder, a charity focusing on children with cancer challenges. Mr. O’Connell was one of the co-founders of the Wisconsin Way effort as well as Wisconsin’s aggressive and innovative “Be Bold” public policy strategy.


Mr. O’Connell coached youth baseball and basketball for many years, is a master sheepshead player, a pretty good cook, and the regular guest host of the radio show Business Solutions on WISN in Milwaukee.

Phone: 866.404.2700

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